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How to earn money from YouTube Steps by Steps

how to earn money from youtube Friends, in today’s time you must have seen that everyone is earning money on the internet, but through a research it has come to light that some people still do not know how to earn money through the internet.This post will help you in how you can earn money through internet.

There are many ways to earn money through internet such as through affiliate marketing, through YouTube marketing, through social media marketing, through referral programs, through blogging, doing freelancing work and there are some other ways through which you can earn a lot. If you can earn good money, then friends, today we will talk about a popular and useful application through which you can earn money if you are creative and innovative.

So let us know thatwhat is youtube ? what is youtube marketing And how can we earn money through this, what is its process?Do read this blog post till the end.

What is YouTube? – how to earn money from youtube

YouTube is a social network platform, it is used all over the world. It is a video sharing application and here you can watch all types of videos and can also create and upload them on YouTube.entertainment Videos related to, StudyVideos related to,cooking  Videos related to,blogging Videos related to,News Video is available.

YouTube is an American video sharing platform or application and itCalifornia OfSan BrunoIts headwaters are located in.

It was formed by 3 people whose names are as follows:-

1.Chad Hurley

2.Steve Chen

3.Jawed Karim

YouTube was created in February 2005. It is now Google’s application. Google bought it in November 2006 for US$ 1.65 billion.

YouTube is designed in such a way that anyone can upload videos and millions of people all over the world watch videos on it, and anyone from all over the world can upload videos on YouTube and earn money.

Every day about 35-36 hours of video is uploaded on YouTube. The video can be small or big.

Initially the purpose of creating this platform was only to share videos with each other.

But no one knew that it would become such a big source of income. No one even thought that after Google, YouTube is a platform in which the tariff is very high. With this, you can promote the products and services of any business. And you can earn good money by selling

The best way to earn money online is blogging and YouTube. You must have seen that nowadays people prefer watching videos more than text, so YouTube has become a medium which gives you good and useful information through videos.

There are many ways to earn money from the internet such as earning money by blogging, earning money through apps, Affiliate MarketingThere are many other ways to earn money by becoming a video creator, freelance, influencer marketing, etc.

What is YouTube marketing?

YouTube marketing is a process in which products and services are promoted through videos using the YouTube platform. It is a great way for businesses and personal brands to promote their products and services.

When any individual, brand or business does online marketing of its products and services through YouTube, then we call it YouTube Marketing. In this we include paid advertising, paid promotion, promotion of business products and services through YouTube videos. goes

In today’s time, YouTube is one of the most used platforms. Most of the people find the solution to their every problem on YouTube. Apart from this, people also search many things on it such as: – Videos for entertainment, through this people get some YouTube is also used for learning new things, getting information about something, watching news, watching cooking recipes etc.

What are the benefits of YouTube Marketing?

  • You can advertise on YouTube through Google Ads because advertising is cheaper on YouTube and you can earn money by promoting products and services.
  • If you do SEO of your YouTube channel well then YouTube ranks your video content in SERP.
  • You can easily reach international audiences through YouTube marketing. When you advertise on YouTube through Google Ads, you get the option to choose which country or area you want to show your advertisement in.
  • You can also earn money organically on your YouTube channel. You do not need to make any investment in this. If your video content is good then YouTube automatically helps in growing your channel.

How to earn money from YouTube?

To earn money from YouTube, you have to upload videos on your YouTube channel. You can earn good money by monetizing those videos and advertising on them, but for this you will have to join YouTube’s partner program.

In today’s time, both blogging and YouTube are the most used platforms, but in blogging we can only read the written content and in YouTube we can do both these things together, we can also watch videos in it. And you can also listen, apart from this people also search many things on it like: – Videos for entertainment, people also learn something new from this, you can get information about anything, watch news, cooking. YouTube is used for viewing recipes etc.

What are the methods on YouTube using which we can earn good money, so let’s see:

1. Google Adsense

You people can monetize your YouTube channel through Google Adsense. Google Adsense will create a contextual on the Windows of your YouTube channel through which users will see that ad and click on it, then you will get money through it. This is a way of earning money on YouTube. It’s a very good way.

2. Sponsorship

Sponsorship means that a big brand will hire you and promote or sponsor its products and services, we call it sponsorship, for this you should have good subscribers and your video content should be good and viral so that big companies can contact you. Promote your products and you can earn good money through them, this is a very good way to earn money on YouTube.

3. Affiliate Marketing

You can also earn a lot of money from YouTube through Affiliate marketing. For this you will have to share the review of the product of any affiliate program on YouTube and also give its link in the description of the video on YouTube so that your viewers can click on that link. You will purchase the product and you will then get some commission from it.

Affiliate marketing is a program through which you promote the products and services of another company through a link and if any user opens that link and buys something, then in return you get some percentage commission from the company. We call it affiliate marketing and the link on which the user clicks to buy the product is called affiliate link.

4. Superchat and Super Sticker

This method of YouTube is very good to earn money. If people support or want to give gifts to them then they do it only through this and from this you get good money if you are a popular creator.

You get Superchat and super sticker in Livestream and from this you can earn a lot of money.

Do’s and Don’ts to earn money from YouTube

You must have thought that how to become a YouTuber, what are the things to be followed so that one can earn money from YouTube, so let us know.

What to do to earn money from YouTube?

• You can make good videos on YouTube, which will give you good results in future and you can earn good money like searching such content which is in high demand.

• If people like to watch interesting videos on YouTube, then you will have to upload some such interesting content so that users can watch it completely.

•You have to make some videos on YouTube which are more engaging and get more comments, likes and sharing.

•Encourage your viewers to subscribe to your channel on YouTube so that you can get more subscriptions and earn money quickly.

• On YouTube, you should keep the title of your videos attractive so that more people can connect and accordingly the description should also be attractive and you have to use tags in it, this will increase your audience.

•You have to upload good quality videos on YouTube so that your content shows well and engages more and more users.

•Share your YouTube videos on social media platforms so that more and more people can know about your YouTube channel.

• Cross-promote by joining other channels and grow your channel quickly.

What not to do on YouTube

  • You should never copy anyone else’s content because your account will be banned by YouTube.
  • Do not go against the rules of YouTube, it may get your YouTube channel banned.
  • Never make explicit videos on YouTube because YouTube does not allow it.
  • Do not post dirty and useless content on YouTube

What type of videos should be made on YouTube?

1. Make video with images voice over:

Friends, you can also make a video by using image voice, for that you can make a video by adding interesting facts, entertainment content, like you can arrange a collection of many photos together and give your voice to it.

2. Make videos of tutorials:

You can make tutorial videos of anything, this content also helps in growing on YouTube.

3. Make a product review video:

You can share the review of any products or services with people so that people can purchase the product of that brand and if they click on your link and purchase, then you also get some commission from it.

 4. Make videos on time lapse

Time lapse means such videos which refresh the memories of your old days and everyone likes such videos. He compares those things with his old days

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