How to earn money from mobile: 5 best ways to earn 1 lakh per month

Do you also want to earn one lakh per month, that too without any computer or laptop?

Well, this sounds like a big thing, but in today’s digital age it is possible.

You can earn good money using mobile without even leaving your home.

I know, many kinds of questions might be coming in your mind and you might be thinking,

What are the things required to earn money from mobile?
Can one really earn money from mobile while sitting at home?
What is the guarantee that there will be no fraud in this process?

Well, our today’s blog is on this topic where we will tell you how to earn money from Mobile and what are the Best 5 Ways through which it is possible to earn money from Smartphone.

So let’s start today’s blog.

What are the things required to earn money from mobile?

To earn money from mobile, you need some important things, which include:

Mobile Phone: To earn money from mobile, the first requirement is mobile.

You should have a good mobile phone, which can make your work easier. The mobile should be such that photo editing, video editing, writing etc. can be done easily.

Good Internet: The second thing to earn money from mobile at home is a good Internet connection.

It is not necessary that you get an expensive Wi-Fi connection, your phone’s Internet can also work, provided its networking speed is good.

Digital Marketing Knowledge: The third and most important thing in how to earn money from mobile isKnowledge of Digital Marketing, Digital Marketing is a broad field which includes many other skillsets, such as Content Writing, Search Engine Optimization, Graphic Design,Paid Ads, Social Media Management Services like are included.

When you learn digital marketing, you can become better in other skills and earn money by providing your services to people.

So let us move ahead in our blog and understand what are the best skills which can be learned to earn money from mobile.

How to earn money from mobile by learning Digital Marketing – 5 Best Ways

1. Through freelancing

Freelancing is the first way to earn money from mobile. This is a great skill through which you can earn good money using mobile.

Freelancing is different from a normal 9 – 5 job where you can work not for one company but for multiple companies or clients.

To work for clients, you have to provide them some service, likeContent Writing, Graphic Designing, Video Editing, PPC Ads, Social Media Management, Etc.

You can buy any product as per your choice and market demand.In Demand Marketing Skill You can learn and earn money by freelancing from mobile.

Now the question arises that where to find clients for freelancing?

Well, for this you can create your profile on Freelancing Platforms, such as Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer, Truelancer, Guru, etc. and bid on the projects uploaded there.

Apart from this, you can join Facebook Groups and post there that you have this skill and you charge this much for it. In groups where there are thousands of members, people will definitely see your post and some will also contact you.

Also, you can start creating content related to your service on LinkedIn, from where gradually your content starts reaching your target customers and people start knowing about your service.

2. Create your YouTube Channel

If you want to know how to earn money from mobile and what is the best way to do it, then stay tuned to the blog.

YouTube Channel It will help you a lot in earning money from mobile, because it is a platform on which crores of people spend their time today.

After the arrival of Jio, with the availability of internet in every house, today many people have become viral only because of YouTube and without any computer, only through mobile.Earning good money by making videos. 

This is a golden opportunity for you also where you can make your videos using mobile.

In fact, if you have any skill, you can also teach that skill to your viewers through YouTube and monetize your channel with methods like Google AdSense, Affiliate Marketing, Brand Sponsorship.

You can teach Writing, teach Photoshop, Canva, teach Video Editing, teach Advanced Excel, do Vlogging, create Fact Based Channel, create Shorts and share them on Instagram & Facebook. You can, and by creating Infinite Channels, you can start earning money from your mobile itself.

3. Using Instagram and LinkedIn

When you learn a skill, you have to reach out to the right person to whom you can provide help with your skill.

Instagram & LinkedIn are two great platforms for this.Content Creation Through this you can promote your skills.

For this you do not even need a computer or laptop, because with the help of tools like Canva, Adobe Photoshop, VN Editor, InShot, you can create Attractive Infographics, create Carousel Posts, and create Engaging Reels.

In this way, you can create your own Visually Appealing Content on mobile, and promote your services like Social Media Management Service, Content Writing & Copywriting Service, Video Editing Service, SEO, Google Ads, Social Media Ads.

From mobile itself, you can analyze the interaction of your audience on Instagram & LinkedIn, track their activity, and see which of your posts are getting good engagement.

Apart from this, you can also earn money from mobile by promoting your business through Instagram. You can open an online store on Instagram, which you have to create appealing and targeted content to promote and reach the right customers.

4. Through Mobile Friendly Blogging

Blogging This is also a good way by which you can do online earning from mobile.

You can watch many such videos on YouTube in which people tell how they are earning thousands and lakhs of rupees per month by starting a blog through their phone without any computer.

You also have to start a blog on any one topic for which you can choose Mobile Friendly Blogging Platforms, WordPress and Medium.

You can also write a blog post on mobile, edit it and also publish & promote it from mobile itself.

as on thatTraffic As time goes on, new options will open up for you to monetize your blog. You will be able to do Affiliate Marketing through it,Google AdSense And will be able to monetize from sponsored content (like guest post).

In this way, money can be earned from mobile also by blogging.

5. Sell Items Online

Ever since Online Ecommerce Platforms have come into the market, it has become easier to sell items online with the help of your phone. All these platforms are optimized for mobile. In such a situation, you can sell your products on your mobile and also avail the facility of online payment.

To get started, first of all you need toNiche You have to decide, after that you have to finalize your products. By clicking the pictures of these products or items, you can post them on these platforms.

It is not necessary that you have only physical products, you can also sell digital products like E-books, Themes, Softwares, etc.

Conclusion – How to earn money from mobile

Today, many sources of online earning have come for which there is no need to even leave the house.

Today people need such earning sources through which they can earn extra income along with their full time job.

Earning from mobile is included in this sequence.

Thousands and lakhs of people search on Google how to earn money from mobile sitting at home. They want to know how to earn money from mobile without leaving the house.

Well, today’s blog was based on this topic, where we learned how to earn money from mobile, what are the online sources of earning money from mobile and what are the things we need for this.

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